Note: This animation is used with permission under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license and was created by Siouxsie Wiles and Toby Morris. The original image is available here.
As our world and as a church here in Conrad, we find ourselves in usual times. Our nation is experiencing the regular cold and flu season, but we're also experiencing a novel or new coronavirus. As a result, we've created this page to provide updates and link to resources to guide us in this extraordinary time. I invite you to continue to look out for family, friends, and neighbors during this time, and let the church office know of immediate needs.
We have assembled some resources you might find useful as you shelter at home (or even beyond that period).
June 30: The Session voted recently to have individuals seat themselves for worship. Further, we've started offering outdoor coffee/fellowship hour. I've updated our guidelines to include these changes.
May 26: We're looking forward to beginning in person worship again this Sunday, May 31. For details, you can find a letter from Pastor Andy with guidelines for worship and for meetings. You can still join us for online worship or conference call worship, but the format and times have changed. Find details here.