Note: This animation is used with permission under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license and was created by Siouxsie Wiles and Toby Morris. The original image is available here.
For a time, many of us may be spending much more time at home and isolated from others. Children and youth (and adults) may begin to show signs of "cabin fever", or the need to get out. We want to provide a few resources that may help you find activities and ways of communicating during this time.
Communicating with Others (from your home)
Your telephone and cellular phone are obvious resources. You could, also, consider the following resources for calls of more than two people or video calls.
FaceTime (installed on your Apple devices for communication with other Apple devices)
Google Hangouts for Android and Apple iOS devices through the respective app or play store
Skype for multi-person voice or video calls
Zoom for multi-person voice or video calls
- for meetings, conference calls, and multi-person phone calls
Seeking or Providing Help
Particularly, if you are a participant in the life of First Presbyterian Church or in the Conrad community, contact the church office at â€406-278-3043 or
PC(USA) COVID-19 Mental Health Resources (for all ages)
COVID-19 Resources
State of Montana COVID-19 Hotline: 888-333-0461 or (Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm)
If you are experiencing symptoms, call your primary care physician or your local health department
Pondera County Health Department can be reached at 406-271-3247​
Pondera County Health Department Website or Facebook page
How to See Germs Spread (a fun experiment looking at how germs might spread in a classroom, YouTube video)
Activities for Children and Families
USA Today; 18 totally free educational resources for kids stuck at home
LiveScience; Activities and online resources for homebound kids: A coronavirus guide
WETA (PBS affiliate); Stuck at Home Survival Guide
Reading Rockets; When School Is Closed: Resources to Keep Kids Learning at Home
Romper; 10 Museums With Virtual Tours For Quarantined Kids Who Need A "Field Trip"
Mystery Science has made available some free lessons for K-5
BrainPOP has made available lessons for K-12
Virtual field trips for children
Download TIME for Kids for free
Apple has made available a curated list of items for children including eBooks for free (many Sesame Street and other), videos, radio stations, educational apps, and podcasts. Find more info here.
Amazon has reduced its FreeTime Unlimited service dramatically with access to "kid-friendly books, movies, TV shows, educational apps, games and premium kid’s skills."
20 Ways to Help Your Children Process the Pandemic from Christianity Today